Boardspace from MacOS

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Preferred: uses a launcher app, which can be installed from the official Macintosh App Store, found here  the app bundles it's own java runtime
and runs in a sandbox.  Just install, and run from the macintosh launcher icon.  You can find it in /Applications/ if you want to make your own
desktop link to it.  Once installed and launched, you'll need to log in to play online.

That's the simple way.  Otherwise, you'll need to start by installing Java.  If you do not have java yet, visit, download and install it.
This page has other information about getting java installed and configured on your computer.

The actual boardspace application is a set of java ".jar" files which are downloaded once and cached locally.  There are three variant
launchers that take care of the details, and also keep your local copy up to date with the current version.  Whever method you choose,
you'll have to cope with windows efforts to prevent you being tricked in to downloading malware.  
For the record: boardspace isn't malware, doesn't damage your PC, and won't annoy you with advertising.

Method #1: Download this MacOS disk image  boardspace icon .  Open the disk image, and drag the boardspace app anywhere. Your desktop is a good place.

When you try to open the app, you'll probably see a window similar to this.
 mac warning.  
Click on the ?, or The first time you click to run the executable, use CONTROL-CLICK and select "Open".  You will probably see a scary pop-up similar to this, which outlines the rest of the process to approve running the app.
warning message
the final step is to launch the security control panel, and allow third party apps to run
security panel

Method #2: Use  java web start icon to launch the client.   Your browser may resist java web start, or may offer
to save a file instead.  You can click to launch a ".jnlp" file that was downloaded.   The first time you launch java web start,
you will see a security pop-up warning about running untrusted applications. Click on the ? in the warning window for
instructions how to give permission.

Also note that Java Web Start has been deprecated by Oracle is in the process of disappearing.  There's an open source alternative . Download and install Open web start, and Java Web Start will still work.

Method #3:  Jar files are directly executable; it's all really the same under the hood, but you don't get a pretty icon by default.
You can download the launcher jar file, place it anywhere, and click to launch it.   You can also copy this exact jar file to a 
Macintosh or a Linux PC and launch it there, or launch it from a command line similar to "java -jar boardspace.jar".   

Whichever of these hoops you choose to jump through, when you run the launcher application you should see a window
similar to this, and you're on your way.  Eventually you will want to create an account (it's free) but the first time you can 
check the "guest" box and log in as an anonymous guest.

login screen

 It's also possible to play offline, all players sharing the screen.

A general guide how to use Boardspace after you log in is here
or help videoView a short video to help get you started.

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