Imagine is a picture game,
inspired by games like Dixit and Mysteruim, and by the movie Inception.
I really like these games as an exercise in imagination, but
they don't quite satisfy as games because you can be stuck with
terrible cards (in your opinion) and the scoring is very dependent on
the cards you have. Imagine
uses the basic mechanics of Dixit, but the scoring can vary with
your degree of confidence in your choices, and your perceived
competitive position. Read the complete rules here.
Deck 1: is a collection of fantasy landscape illustrations.
Robots: nope. This is a language game, and short of real AI the bots would be clueless.
Credits: Imagine wouldn't be possible without a fabulous image deck. I collected the images in Deck 1 from which hosts vast numbers of royalty free images. If
you want to curate another deck with a different theme, reach out and
we'll work on it. Some random ideas I've had: Microscope images.
Old master paintings. Astronomical objects. A good
deck needs a minimum of 100 images, but more is better. It's a
big job!
