Hive is a boardless board game played with Hex tiles. The
structure of the game is a fairly traditional chess-like game, overlaid
with an insect. theme. The goal of the game is to surround
your opponent's queen bee. The other pieces are represented
by insects (ant, beetle, grasshopper, spider) and have rules for motion
which are appropriate to their namesakes. It sounds a little
silly, but the game is well balanced and lots of fun to play.
You can read the details in the official rules,
but briefly; the pieces are played but never removed, and must always
form one connected "hive". Ants run anwhere around the
outside of the hive. Beetles can move on top of other
pieces. Grasshoppers move from one end of the hive to the
other, and spiders move only in multiples of 3 spaces.
Rules Change: at
boardspace the "Queen" opening has been forbidden for both black and
white. John Yianni supports this change, which is
intended to eliminate the problem of excess draws in "queen opening"
Dumbot is a credible but not stellar player.
